ISHA Turku/Åbo

International Students of History Association

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ISHA-Turku vuosi-/vaalikokous – ISHA-Turku Annual Conference & Board Election

The Annual Conference of ISHA-Turku will be held on January the 26th and will take place at Ravintola Proffan Kellari’s cabinet room – starting at 16:00. In the Conference a new board for ISHA-Turku will be elected and the 2015 term action plan will be processed and gone through. The 2015 term will be a busy one for ISHA-Turku for diverse action shall take place: 15th Annual celebration and intensified co-operation with ISHA-Helsinki and HOL!

The Conference is open for all willing to participate so you are all welcome to join in!

ISHA-Turun vuosikokous järjestetään tammikuun 26. päivä ravintola Proffan Kellarin isossa kabinetissa kello 16:00 alkaen! Kokouksessa valitaan ISHA-Turun uusi hallitus, sekä käydään läpi kauden 2015 toimintasuunnitelma. Ensi kaudella ISHA-Turulla tulee olemaan jälleen paljon tapahtumia ja aktiviista toimintaa, kuten 15v-Vuosijuhlat ja yhteistyö ISHA-Helsingin ja HOL:in kanssa!

Kokous on kaikille avoin, joten tervetuloa paikan päälle!

Year 2014 board welcomes you to join in!

Year 2014 board welcomes you to join in!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Famous statue ”Posankka” in Turku wearing a christmas cap as well!

We want to wish behalf of our board all the best christmas holidays and funny new year parties! See you next year, soon we will form a new board as well…

P.S: Rest of the board notes of this year will come here as soon as our sectary has time in holidays to put them here!

Improvements with the website


So in order to keep up with us and what to do we have now added our board meeting notes to read for everyone. The link is found under ”board” page, ”board meeting notes” and it opens in a new window. We will add all notes from this autumn before Christmas. Unfortunately the notes are only in Finnish.

We have also done some other modifications, for example the pictures of associations which are part of ISHA-Turku. So be patient with us, this website will slowly but surely come alive!

Sanna the secretary

Call for a new Carnival Cover-Design!

”ISHA International invites all members and friends to send in their ideas for a new Cover of ISHAs annual journal Carnival.

Since 1999 ISHA publishes a yearly academic journal called Carnival. The journal is a rare opportunity for students to share their ideas and the results of their research.

The five best designs will be presented to the General Assembly at the New Years Seminar in Olomouc (CZ) in January 2015! The new cover design will be chosen by ISHA-members present.

Everyone interested can send his or her proposal to until December 15th, 2014!”

More information from ISHA International website:

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