ISHA Turku/Åbo

International Students of History Association

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ISHA-Turku’s autumn 2016

ISHA-Turku’s autumn has been full of planning because there were two major events booked for this years autumn: ISHA Turku Pub Quiz and ISHA Turku Sitting Party!

Now a tradition, the history-themed pub quiz was held at 28th of September and again, the event was a great success! We are especially happy that the event attracted a lot of new students and  specially exchange students. This was the second time the Pub Quiz was arranged and at the end of the year it will become a permanent part of the annual activity calendar of ISHA Turku.

On this week ISHA Sitting Party is held after a long break. More than 40 people have signed up for the event which theme this year is War and Peace. Needless to say, it’s time to celebrate!


ISHA-Turku’s spring 2016

ISHA-Turku’s spring has been full of planning and settling running business. Most of this was probably not very visible for our members but with all the work done we can start next semester with a boom! This spring we established a new dazzling tradition with the history-themed pub quiz which gathered a breathtaking group of clever players interested in history. The tradition will surely be continued in the future! ISHA-Turku’s online presence was also enhanced with update of the website and a brand new Instagram account!

It’s almost vappu which means the spring semester is drawing to a close. ISHA-Turku will be participating in TYY International Vappu on Friday April 29th at 12.00-13.30 at Mercatori (Turku School of Economics). Next month the board will also have one last meeting before summer – we have some very exciting things planned out for autumn!

We hope you all have a nice summer and we wish to see you in September when ISHA-Turku starts the new semester off with an awesome get-together with its member organizations and new freshmen. Stay tuned!

ISHA Turku Pub Quiz at Panimoravintola Koulu on 5th of April 2016

ISHA Turku will host its first history-themed Pub Quiz at Panimoravintola Koulu (Eerikinkatu 18, 20100 Turku) on Tuesday the 5th of April 2016 at 7:00 PM.

The Pub Quiz will be hold at Panimoravintola’s historianluokka (history class) and is free for participants. Quiz will take place in small teams (about 2-5 people per team) and the winning team will receive fame and glory plus a nice prize!

Anyone can participate, so grab your friends and come to quiz!

ISHA Turku has a new board for 2016

ISHA Turku elected its new board for 2016 few weeks ago at bar Proffan Kellari. The board consists of the following members:

President Marjaana Tuominen & vice-president Väinö Kuusinen.

The other members of the board are Juho Kankare, Tommi Kippola, Maria KnaapiJere Markkanen, Dita Tammivaara and Joakim Wennström.

Best of luck to the new board!

ISHA Turku 15th Anniversary Celebration was held on the 19th of March

ISHA Turku held its very first anniversary celebration on the 19th of March – in 2015 ISHA Turku turned 15. The event was held in restaurant Julinia in Turku.

”The event symbolizes the beginning of a new dynamic ISHA Turku”, said ISHA Turku president Henri Vanhanen in his welcoming speech at the event. ”…and I have had the pleasure to participate in the building process”, he added.

A new ISHA Turku is indeed developing. Since the summer seminar of 2011 in Turku, the action had been slowly deteriorating. The board of 2014 led by Daniel Sahlgren and the current board have had clear goals which aim at raising the profile of ISHA Turku into an active international organization not only inside Turku but also Europe-vise. In Finland ISHA Turku has also began an active cooperation with the other Finnish ISHA section from Helsinki. During the fall of 2014 ISHA Turku and ISHA Helsinki held a seminar in Helsinki themed ”Borders”. The seminar was a success and was able to attract international students and visitors from ISHA Graz as well.

The board of 2015 is basically continuing the work of the earlier board. This means more activity in Turku and in the international field in Europe and in Turku as well. ISHA Turku members are participating in the ISHA Annual Confence in Bucharest in April. The board will also be taking part in the International ”Vappuviikko” held by the Student Union of Turku. In May ISHA Turku will tighten its cooperation with ISHA Helsinki by attending their 25th anniversary ball. Autumn especially will be an active period for ISHA Turku for we are organizing a seminar in Turku which will have cooperation with HOL (Union for students of history). The seminar will also include a Sitsit-party!

As the guest of honor doctoral-candidate Olli Kleemola stated in his speech at the anniversary celebration: ”Internationalism is an important value”, we at ISHA Turku strive for a more international University of Turku. Therefore one of our ways to achieve internationalism is to actively participate in the international events of the Student Union of Turku.

All in all, ISHA Turku is taking big steps towards beign an active international organization and pursues to provide versatile events for its members and international students – stay on the lookout!

ISHA Turku would like to thank all the invited organizations for showing ISHA Turku support by their greetings or presence at our anniversary ball:

Turun Historiallinen Yhdistys, Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta, P-klubi, Kritiikki ry, F-piste, Vare ry, Kleio, Turun Eurooppanuoret

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