ISHA Turku/Åbo

International Students of History Association

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Autumn salute from ISHA Turku/Åbo 2019

Other half of ISHA Turku/Åbo 2019

Autumn is here and the year 2019 as well. This year is a very special one for ISHA Turku/Åbo, because the roots of our organization were formed in Hungary, Budapest in 1989. After the Iron Curtain was broken the co-operation in Europe became possible and to this day this co-operation still is the essence of ISHA. The official ISHA organization was founded 9th of May 1990 in Budapest and in Turku, Finland that shall be our time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of ISHA. This celebration is going to be the main target for our next board, but the current one has already taken an initiative to plan and start working for this amazing to-be party.

We have had so far couple of changes in the current board. Due to exchange program and working opportunities elsewhere, we have lost two of our board members and have decided to share their workload to the current members of the board. Their contribution will be missed, but we thank their effort for ISHA Turku/Åbo so far and hope success in the life after.

This autumn ISHA Turku/Åbo were present in Welcome fair event that was aimed for exchange students in Turku and a lot of ISHA fliers were given to students. ISHA Turku/Åbo had its first event Meet and Greet already and we were happily surprised how many people took part in it. The first traditional ISHA Turku/Åbo event – History themed pub quiz – will take place this Wednesday 16.10. in Proffan Kellari at 7pm. Form a team and come compete! If you don’t have a team, come as you are or with a friend, because teams will be formed also there at the site.

Other events are also on the blueprints and soon to be revealed, so stay tuned and see you in our events starting from this Wednesday!

Antti Laitinen

President of ISHA Turku/Åbo

Year of ISHA-Turku (2017)

When I write this text, it has been almost 365 days from that moment when the term of the current board of ISHA-Turku began at the cold Large Cabinet of Pub Proffan Kellari. Looking back  I can tell that the annual meeting, with its positive and constructive atmosphere, was that moment that started the chain of events that we can now afterwards call  ”events of ISHA-Turku in year 2017”.

From the point of view of the year, events held in the last year were a great success for the association. ISHA-Turku organized several events from traditional ISHA Sitting Party to smaller scale board game nights. Like previous years, members also came to test their general knowledge at Pub quizzes and also met other members of our umbrella organization ISHA International  in the summer. All the events were successes for their own part, although most of the participants mainly came from one member organization. This is an issue that I hope the following boards will work in one way or another.

Year 2017 also brought with itself a new member association when student association Seita ry joined ISHA-Turku as a full-time member. I believe that this decision will be reflected in a positive way throughout our association’s operations and will allow new types of events to be organized in future by our association.

The ISHA-Turku that we now leave for other generations to look after is different kind of association compared to what it was a few years ago. The boards of recent years have done a great deal of work to keep this association alive and increased the variety of events steadily rolling out the association’s visibility in the eyes of university world. As a result of many hours of altruistic work  we are currently in a situation where ISHA-Turku as an association has set for itself  far-reaching goals and plans for the future. Much remains to be done to achieve these goals but with the results of the positive work of previous boards and the creativity of future generations, I believe that the goals will be achieved.

At the end of this post I would like to thank all those people who have worked and will work in the future for this association in accordance with the aims set out in its statutes. With your work ISHA will live forever. Viva la ISHA!


Juho Kankare

President of ISHA-Turku ry

Year 2017 of ISHA-Turku in visual form 

ISHA-Turku’s pub quiz

ISHA-Turku held its biannual pub quiz 12th of April at the restaurant Koulu. Many participants took part in the quiz and there were also exchange students with us! The quiz consisted of 25 questions and one bonus question: What is the meaning of life? We had some pretty awesome answers on every question and the team M.J.J.J. won and got a terrific prize. ISHA-Turku will now prepare for VAPPU and summer. If you still want to see us before summer we will be in the TYY International Vappu at 28th of April (at Merca, TSE). Have a great spring!

New Board of ISHA-Turku

ISHA-Turku elected its new board for 2017 8th of February at bar Proffan Kellari.

Juho Kankare was elected as president and Ville Kukkonen as vice president. The other members of the board are Julia Lintunen, Nestori Liminka, Elina Finne, Marius Aho, Taru Lappalainen, Dita Tammivaara and Marjaana Tuominen. The tasks of all the members of the board can be seen in here.

Congratulations and best of luck to the new board!

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