International Students of History Association

Kuukausi: elokuu 2022

Freshmen Mixer at Koulu!

Come meet members of the 2022 ISHA board and others at Panimoravintola Koulu (Eerikinkatu 18) on the 13th of September, in the ”History Class”.

Uusien ilta on suunnattu Kritiikin, Kutun, F-pisteen, Vareen, P-Klubin ja Kleion fukseille, sekä uusille vaihto-opiskelijoille. Myös akateemisesti vanhemmat opiskelijat ovat tervetulleita!

Tutustumme toisiimme rennosti jutustellen, ISHAn toimintaa esitellen, pelejä pelaten ja ISHAn perinteisen pubivisan parissa. Panimoravintola Koulusta voi tilata ruokaa ja juomaa tarpeen mukaan, itse tuodut eivät valitettavasti ole sallittuja.

ISHA’s Freshmen Mixer is geared to local students of history, gender studies, archeology, political science and cultural studies, as well as any exchange student who wants to meet some locals!

It’s a casual event to meet new students and enthusiasts of humanities, with some board games and ISHA’s traditional history pub quiz available for extra entertainment.

Invitation to ISHA’s board meeting

Dear member organizations of International Students of History Turku/Åbo,

We are back from our summer break, which means it’s time for a board meeting to start the new semester!

As always, board meetings are open to member organizations and therefore we are inviting You to our first board meeting of the semester, on the 16th of August, 19:00-21:00, at Proffan Kellari, in the small cabinet upstairs. If you are interested in ISHA, we also welcome new prospective board members at this and all other meetings.

We hope to see you there,

Best regards,

Taru Bergman
President of ISHA-Turku/Åbo

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