International Students of History Association

Vuosi: 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Famous statue ”Posankka” in Turku wearing a christmas cap as well!

We want to wish behalf of our board all the best christmas holidays and funny new year parties! See you next year, soon we will form a new board as well…

P.S: Rest of the board notes of this year will come here as soon as our sectary has time in holidays to put them here!

Improvements with the website


So in order to keep up with us and what to do we have now added our board meeting notes to read for everyone. The link is found under ”board” page, ”board meeting notes” and it opens in a new window. We will add all notes from this autumn before Christmas. Unfortunately the notes are only in Finnish.

We have also done some other modifications, for example the pictures of associations which are part of ISHA-Turku. So be patient with us, this website will slowly but surely come alive!

Sanna the secretary

Call for a new Carnival Cover-Design!

”ISHA International invites all members and friends to send in their ideas for a new Cover of ISHAs annual journal Carnival.

Since 1999 ISHA publishes a yearly academic journal called Carnival. The journal is a rare opportunity for students to share their ideas and the results of their research.

The five best designs will be presented to the General Assembly at the New Years Seminar in Olomouc (CZ) in January 2015! The new cover design will be chosen by ISHA-members present.

Everyone interested can send his or her proposal to until December 15th, 2014!”

More information from ISHA International website:

International ISHA seminars

Here is the timetable of next year, 2015, seminars:

19.-24.1. New Year’s Seminar Olomouc, Czech Republic.
20.-26.4. Annual Conference Bukarest, Romania.
1.-7.7. Summer Seminar Skopje, Macedonia.
6.-12.9. Autumn Seminar Gratz, Austria

How to take a part to our seminar in Helsinki – guide

Lyhyesti tietoa aikatauluista ja ilmoittautumisista ISHA Helsingin ja ISHA Turun yhteisestä ”BORDERS – The Diverse Concept of Border in History” seminaarista (13-15.11):
Torstaina on jo illasta jäätämurskaavat aloitusbileet Kampin Sivistys-saunalla kello 21 eteenpäin. Perjantaina alkavat luennot kymmenestä eteenpäin iltapäivään saakka, jolloin lepäilemme hetken kunnes suuntaamme illan bileisiin. Lauantaina on workshoppien vuoro, jotka ovat myös ilmaisia mutta niihin ilmoittautuminen loppuu huomenna. Lisää tietoa eri workshopeista löytyy mm. ISHA Helsingin sivuilta ( Lauantaina illalla on vielä mahtavien sitsien vuoro, jotka ovatkin koko viikonlopun ainoa maksullinen osuus (vaivaiset 14 euroa) ja johon myös on ilmoittautuminen joka alkaa tässä lähiaikoina.

Eli nyt on ainutkertainen mahdollisuus osallistua mielenkiintoiseen ja kansainväliseen seminaariin! Luennot ja bileet ovat kaikille avoimia, workshoppeihin kerkeää vielä tämän päivän ajan ilmoittautua ja myös sitseille ilmoittautuminen alkaa pian. Majoitukset ja kyydit täytyy itse huolehtia, mutta esimerkiksi onnibussi kulkee hyvin halvalla Turun Caribialta Helsingin Kiasmaan ( ja majoitusta halvalla löytyy mm. Omena-hotelleista ( tai Katajanokalla sijaitsevasta hostellista (

Jos tulee kysymyksiä niin meille ISHA tyypeille voi lähettää sähköpostia ( tai sihteerillemme Sanna Oksaselle (

And here is same information in English from the Facebook event page (”

ISHA-Helsinki and ISHA-Turku proudly present a local weekend-long ISHA seminar which will be held in Helsinki 13.–16.11.2014. The Theme of the Seminar is “BORDERS – The Diverse Concept of Border in History”. The two Finnish ISHA sections have never before had this much fun together!

Friday 14th consists of lectures and party in the evening. Saturday 15th is a workshop day that culminates in a sitsit party. If you arrive in Helsinki already on Thursday, don’t worry, we are having an ice breaking party that night.

The seminar, lectures and the other activities are open and free to everybody, but you have to apply to the workshops. Take note that the workshops are optional, though highly rewarding. In workshops you keep presentations and discuss about the workshop topic. Every workshop has a workshop moderator.

And what about the sitsit party? In sitsit you drink, eat, sing and give speeches – this time in English, of course. The party will cost 14 euros and the application for them begins in Mid-October. The sitsit party will definitely be an unforgettable mingling of different cultures.”

The bus/train tickets and accommodation you have to find and pay yourself, however, it’s easy. For example cheap tickets to Helsinki you can find from Onnibus ( and almost free accommodation from Apple-hotel ( or Eurohostel (

If you have any questions, will free to always ask from us, ISHA Turku members ( or our sectetary Sanna (!

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