Principles for a safer space

We in the United Nations Association of Turku wish to provide a safe space free of harassment and discrimination in all our activities and events. We encourage all participants to engage in a respectful and norm critical discussion, in which it is possible to intervene should offensive behavior take place. In a constructive discussion it’s also allowed to make mistakes. Listen, ask, encourage – and relax!

As a member organisation of UN Youth of Finland we follow the principles for safer space defined by the UN Youth of Finland. The principles are originally collected from various sources, such as from Ruskeat tytöt ry. Please familiarize yourself with the principles below:

  • Don’t assume. It is natural to make assumptions about other people, but we strive to be aware of our own presuppositions and we are open to different kinds of topics and people. We don’t define experiences on behalf of anyone else and we don’t generalize our own experiences to others. We don’t make assumptions about anyone’s sexuality, gender, nationality, religion, values, socioeconomic background, health, appearance or ability to function, but we respect everyone’s right to self-determination. 
  • Don’t degrade. We don’t degrade or embarrass anyone by their externals. We treat others as we would like to be treated.
  • Don’t reproduce. We don’t reproduce racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or ableist stereotypes in our speech, actions or behavior. We strive to use language that doesn’t exclude anyone.
  • Intervene. If we witness any offensive behavior, we will not remain silent, but we will intervene.
  • Respect. We respect other people’s physical, mental and emotional personal space. We remember that we cannot know the boundaries of one without asking from them and we don’t touch the other without permission. If necessary, we ask for space for ourselves as well. 
  • Give space. We make sure everyone has space to participate in the discussion and we treat sensitive topics with respect.
  • Give and receive feedback. Everyone is allowed to give appropriate and constructive feedback from inappropriate treatment. If someone gives you feedback on your actions, please listen to the feedback provider. We are open to the feedback we receive and we will take the feedback into account in our own activities in the future.

In case you witness or encounter offensive behavior in our events or would like to share feedback with us, you’re welcome to contact our non-discrimination representative at or anonymously or by nickname by using our “Liity jäseneksi” (“Become a member”) -box on the bottom of our web page. Please write a heading “ACCESSIBILITY” before your message to separate it from incoming member applications.